
Rite of Passage for Men


Rite of Passage: A Workshop for Men is a one-day program that guides them in releasing the beliefs that limit their power and the underlying reactions that control their lives. The participants learn how to let go of the barriers that keep them from expressing true intimacy in their relationships.  They also discover a renewed sense of self and the experience of a balanced connection with their power.

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A Workshop for Men

In Rite of Passage, Dr. Tom guides men in releasing the beliefs that limit their power and the underlying reactions that control their lives.

  • Release the beliefs that limit your power
  • Let go of the anger and rage that control your life
  • Release the attachments to your intimate relationships
  • Experience the freedom of your full self-expression
  • Express true intimacy in your relationships

Participants learn how to let go of the barriers that keep them from expressing true intimacy in their relationships.  They also discover a renewed sense of self and the experience of a balanced connection with their power.

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